home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5 poke53272,22
- 10 rem *********************
- 20 rem ** memory transfer **
- 30 rem ** by lee bamber **
- 35 rem ** bugblasted! **
- 37 rem ** by chris bamber **
- 40 rem *********************
- 90 lm=20000:poke53280,0:poke53281,0:gosub500
- 100 geta$:ifa$="[133]"thengosub1000
- 110 ifa$="[134]"thengosub2000
- 120 ifa$="[136]"thengosub3000
- 130 goto100
- 500 print"[147] [146]";
- 510 print" [198]1-[212]ransfer [198]3-[214]iewer [198]7-[209]uit [146]";
- 520 print" [146]";:return
- 700 input"[193]re you absolutely sure y/n ";yy$
- 710 ifyy$<>"y"thengosub500:goto100
- 720 return
- 1000 rem transfer
- 1010 fort=55338to55348:poket,2:nextt
- 1020 print"[212]ransfer data":print" 20000"
- 1030 input"[145][197]nter start location ";sl:print" 21000"
- 1035 ifsl<3000orsl>64000thenprint"illegal number!!!":gosub500:return
- 1040 input"[145][197]nter end location ";el
- 1045 ifel<3000orel>64000orel<slthenprint"illegal number!!!":gosub500:return
- 1046 print" 22000"
- 1047 input"[145][197]nter destination location";ds
- 1048 ifds<3000ords>64000thengosub500:return
- 1050 gosub700:print"[208]erforming transfer!":a=0:fort=sltoel:l=peek(t):pokeds+a,l
- 1070 a=a+1:nextt:print"[207]peration completed!"
- 1099 fort=0to1000:gosub500:return
- 2000 fort=55353to55361:poket,2:nextt
- 2005 print"[214]iew data":print"[204]ast memory location >";lm
- 2010 input"[197]nter new location to view ";lm
- 2015 iflm>64000thenprint"too high!!!":gosub500:return
- 2025 print"[147][158][206]ote:- [208]ress space to return to menu!!!":fort=0to1000:nextt
- 2026 input"[200][201][199][200][204][201][199][200][212] [213][146]pper case or [204][146]ower case";hh$
- 2027 ifhh$="u"thengoto2030
- 2028 ifhh$="l"thengoto2500
- 2029 ifhh$<>"l"orhh$<>"u"thengosub500:return
- 2030 print"[147]":a=0:fort=lmtolm+1000:l=peek(t):poke1024+a,l
- 2035 poke55296+a,9
- 2036 ifl>64andl<91thenpoke55296+a,7
- 2038 a=a+1:nextt
- 2040 geta$:ifa$<>" "thengoto2040
- 2050 gosub500:return
- 2500 print"[147]":a=0:fort=lmtolm+1000:l=peek(t):poke1024+a,l:poke55296+a,9
- 2510 ifl<27thenpoke55296+a,7
- 2520 a=a+1:nextt:goto2040
- 3000 print"[147]":fort=0to255:poke53280,t:nextt
- 3010 poke53280,14:poke53281,6:print"[147][154] [194]ye folks!!! ";:end